Revolutionizing Mobile Payments: A Seamless Experience with OKTO E-Wallet

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile payments, Hypernetica took on the challenge to design and develop the flagship e-wallet mobile app for OKTO. Dive into the details of how our team crafted a cross-platform solution, simplifying payment experiences for both consumers and merchants. Explore the innovation that makes OKTO the go-to choice for secure, swift, and feature-rich mobile transactions across Europe.

OKTO designs mobile-first payment experience for consumers and merchants and works daily with more than 5,000 merchants and partners. They act on behalf of entities licensed to operate across Europe and their mobile payment offerings keep expanding with new features.

Our team developed from scratch a cross-platform mobile App for their flagship e-wallet product. An app that allows you to pay via your mobile, designed to make your life faster, simpler and more secure.

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